Ryan came in a minute ago and said, "Do you have a plan B for Sydney's bed?" I said, "No, Why?" Ryan said, "Parker Reid found these>>>>>>>"
A really good reason why children do not EVER need scissors. Sydney Katya was thrilled though. Ryan asked Parker Reid what he did and he said he stuck his finger in the holes and pulled them bigger. Ryan said, I don't think so. He finally showed the scissors. Parker Reid said he didn't want to have to get Sydney Katya in and out of her crib. Now she can just crawl out:) Hope you all got a good laugh. Mom, please bring down another pack n play!!
2014 is done
10 years ago
That is HILAROUS!! I am seriously laughing hysterically right now. Parker Reid is so sneaky :-) Oh, and remind me and I can bring the pack n play from our house down on Saturday.
His reasoning is quiet good. It's just easier! I Love This!
I love his reasoning. It's just easier. Besides that, why would you want to watch your little sister be all pinned up.
Girl, that is too funny especially given Lindsey's new thing for writing on walls and carpet. I know you are not laughing as hard as we are.
smart kid Brady misses him so much
TOO FUNNY!!! This would be one of those times when you would want to kill them, if you weren't laughing so hard!!
That is so funny. If Bryce had been there he probably would have reported it before all the damage. I'm sure Sydney likes her Pack N Play much better now and her brother who freed her. LOVE YOU ma
If you ever taught school, you have a bag full of stories. About 20 years ago I had a little boy who quickly learned to and loved to cut. Mind you those scissors were not great but he loved them. One afternoon his mom was so proud how quickly & effortlessly he had layed down for his nap only to discover when she went to check on him he had his trusty K-4 scissors and had cut a brand new pair of dress pants that went with a suit from Belk's into a pair of SHORTS! It's funny now, but wasn't then!
I read this last night and about laughed my butt off! Blogger wouldn't let me post comments for some reason! That is TOO funny. Ever want to kill them but you are laughing so hard you can't do anything!????
When Josh was Parker's age he cut a nice square right out of the middle of my brand new couch! He was practicing cutting along the lines of the plaid pattern. He did a great job. The lines were cut nice and straight into a perfect 2 x 2 inch square.
that was too funny!
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