Saturday, March 6, 2010

Finally, an update

Landon was passing out the blini (I made 100 of them and cut them into 4's)
Landon by his "booth"

Ryan made this to look like a passport.
It was wonderful!
Mr. Davis, the principal, comes by to learn
about Russia.

So it has been more than a month since I have updated, sorry. My sister is about to drive me nuts about updating. Things are very busy and blogger takes forever to upload my pictures. I will start with Landon's country study. He learned about Russia and did a poster and told about his country to hundreds of other students from his elementary school. His whole class told about different countries. They all did very well. Here are a few pictures....


Rosemary said...

Enjoyed the update. Great pictures at the Russian booth. :) Indeed, all of you did an outstanding job.
I need to learn to do a crown braid. Sydney is so patient!

ma said...

Love the pictures of Landon. I know he did a good job on his presentation. LOVE YOU LANDON ma

MJN6 said...

You are such a good mom to do all these special things with them and their school. So very proud.

Summer said...

Landon is AWESOME and so handsome!!!