Monday, January 26, 2009

Landon is a top reader!

Today I had to sub at the boys' school. I subbed in a kindergarten class across from Landon's. It went well. The kids were talkative but very good in comparison to some I have had in the past. I had a wonderful parapro so it helped move the day along smoothly. Some exciting news, Landon received a letter from the athletic director at the University here because he was one of the top 10 AR readers in kindergarten at his school!! Yeah for Landon. He will be recognized at the basketball game this weekend. I am so proud of him. I will post pictures this weekend after the game.

Moving back to sewing, I found a dress that I had cut out (but not sewn yet) in a bag over at Mrs. Jackson's when I went to eat there the other night. I decided that it wasn't too hard so I would start it. It didn't take long to put it together other than the fact that I had miscut the sleeve lining a little bit. I decided I didn't want to follow the pattern (which I do very often) but Mrs. Jackson said I should so it would be neat on the inside. I was thinking IT WON'T even show. I did follow the pattern though and it turned out lovely. This was the first zipper I had to put in too. Mrs. Jackson explained it and I did it all by myself. I was surprised at how straight my lines were and IT WORKED TOO!! Yeah!! I just love the sash in the middle! Can't wait to make here Valentine's dress with a crenlin under the skirt out of this same pattern. It will be so adorable. (Sorry about the pictures because her room was a mess, guess I have been too busy sewing to clean;)

The orange dress I cut out Sunday afternoon. I thought that the salmon color would look good with this sheer material that had flowers. They did look good but that sheer material is NOT fun to sew with. It was unraveling so quickly especially when I had to pull out the gathering stitches 3 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not fun. I was able to finally getting it to work though. I thought it turned out cute although I think I should have made a size 1 because the size 2 was little big in the neck but she will grow. It is a wonderful pattern and I will be make more from this one! I did my first FRENCH SEAM (sounds fancy, doesn't it?) It is a seam for sheer materials so it won't show so much and keep it fromsuch that ravel lots. I just looked up a you tube video on french seams and it worked! I was so proud. Ok, well enough for now. I need to be going to bed, it is so late.


Patience Lawson said...

Way to go Landon! Sara, I am so impressed with your sewing skills!

Anonymous said...

You are doing so great with your sewing! She is going to be the best dressed little girl in Valdosta!

Glad I got to see you Friday! Sorry I wasn't able to stop in to see all your pretty creations. The movie was GREAT so you need to go see it.

Have a good week!

Summer said...

Wow, I really don't think Sydney can wear all the dresses you are making. Is she changing 10 times a day? :-) And a BIG congrats to Landon. That is AWESOME!!! Have him call me!

MJN6 said...

You are just too smart with all this sewing. It definitely skipped a generation!!! So you must have gotten a double whammy!!! BIG CONGRATS to Landon. Papa and I are so proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Landon!!!!! Good job and Uncle Chris says good job Too!