Friday, September 5, 2008

First day of school AGAIN...

We went to get donuts before school!! YUMMY!

More school supplies

Landon's teacher (we didn't stay too long because we didn't want him to get upset).

Bryce's teacher was so excited!!

This week has been a busy week. The boys started their new school on Tuesday. They love it!! Their teachers are very nice. It has been a week of adjustments because we had to change our schedule. I now have to take them and pick them up. It is fun though and doesn't take too long. I will be very happy to move into our new house though. On their first day of school, I also was called to sub at another school all day. It was CRAZY! Thank goodness Ryan was off to help out. I had to sub yesterday too (half day). It has been a very hectic week. Sydney Katya has been sick on top of all the other things. She is croupy again. Anyway, sorry this is not a long blog but it will have to do for now.

Bryce has a student teacher.


Summer said...

I love the pictures on the side! The one of Parker Reid is so good. I miss them so much. So do you think that we could meet in Macon on Friday, after they get out of school and we could keep the kids for the weekend (if yall didn't want to come up). Then we could meet again on Sunday to bring them back.

Bev said...

Cute kids! I'll miss seeing all of your gang when I pick up the grandgirls. Hope all goes well for you, Ryan and the kids in the new home. Have a peaceful weekend! Steve&Beverly

The Holtons said...

Bruce is quite the ladies' man! Hope they have a good year...again!!!

Anonymous said...

I know they will make the transition just fine! They are so cute!

MJN6 said...

Your teachers look so nice. I know they are glad to have you in their classes. The computer teacher (Mrs. Arnold) is a good friend of mine. Tell her hello for me. Love you GRAN