Monday, March 31, 2008

Birthday waffle

Our family tradition is a birthday waffle on the kid's actual birthday. It's Parker Reid's turn for a birthday waffle!! Happy Birthday, Parker Reid. Check back later for more pictures of Parker Reid.


Rosemary said...

Happy birthday, Parker Reid. You have had a BUNCH of celebrations. That waffle looks so good, I think Granddaddy and I may have waffles one night this week for supper. We love you and are proud of our 4 year old grandson. Grandmommy

Summer said...

I love that Landon's in his underoos and that Parker doesn't wait for the song to end to blow out the cute. Glad you are putting the video camera to good use.

Missy said...

Happy Birthday Parker! Can you believe the oldest grandson and the youngest grandson for meme and papaw share the same birthday? That was to cute! I remember Aunt Mary Jo's waffles too. Yummy!!!