Monday, June 9, 2008

A trip to the ER

The pictures are after the stitches!

Taking a break from our pictures at the beach!! Today we had an interesting adventure. I guess my life has never a dull moment.

Early this morning I was making a grocery list and heard crying/screaming from Parker Reid. It was not an uncommon thing. I did go check on the screaming as the boys were coming up the stairs with a paper towel on Parker Reid's mouth. After hearing the story Landon had thrown a rubbermaid at Parker Reid so...

4 kids in the car

1 trip to the pediatrician

1 Gran to watch the other 3

1 trip to the hospital

3/1/2 hours waiting for a doctor

4- 30 minute cartoons

4 stitches

lots of blood

1 patient little boy is home

He didn't cry for the stitches or the mega needle to numb the area. He was so brave!! Thank God that he was not hurt very bad. I always am so thankful when something happens that they aren't hurt worse and that they are overall very healthy.


Rosemary said...

Tough guy! After readng all those books the past few days written about pioneer days, I am thankful for the availability of doctors. Nevertheless, it would be better NOT to need one. Sorry about the long wait. We love all of you and are also grateful for a good Mommy of our grandchildren as well as a brave little Parker.

Summer said...

Ah, he is so cute with those BIG blue eyes, and the hat pushing his ear down. I am glad he wasn't hurt very bad either!

ma said...

Parker is so brave and is he ever tough. Glad he was not hurt any worse. LOVE YOU. ma

Unknown said...

I am so glad you are ok, Parker. Hope your mouth heals very quickly!