Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Trip to Gorlvka

Hi to all! It's Vanya! Sara made me make this post saying that otherwise I would never get my peanut butter. Now I am trying to think of a Bible verse that says blackmailing is a sin! :)

Anyway, yesterday I came to Kiev to pick up my dear friend Capa and take her home with me to Gorlovka. We made a short tour around Kiev and Sara showed me all the churches and made me pose in front of almost each one. I guess she just had a new camera and can't have enough of it! By the time we finished with sightseeing, shopping at Andreyevsky and had lunch it was time to go pick up the luggage from Vitaliy's apartment. When the word luggage was mentioned I noticed Vitaliy go pale and the smile dissapeared from his face. I understood why when we arrives at the apartment. Before I came Sara asked me to pack light because she had failed to do the same. Well, I have travelled a great deal with people from the US so I wasn't afraid. I should have!!! One of the suitcases had an airport badge "HEAVY get help to lift". Everybody on the train thought that we were moving from the States to Ukraine! But for the weightlifting the train ride was alright, the a/c worked every now and then and Sarah and I occcupied the two upper bunks and we had a great conversaton while eating chips and cookies (we only eat healthy food in Ukraine:) Then we went to bed because we figured that those two people downstares deserve to get some sleep too! We slept ok, actually it cannot be called sleeping - it's more like a series fo short naps that you take between the numerous stops that the train takes. We took a cab to my place and my mom and Grandmother met us very warmly (I don't know whether they were happy to see me or Sara... or the suitcases).

Now we are just taking it easy fixing, Sara is resting, because tomorrow Granny will be teaching her to cook Pelmeny! I'm pretty sure Sara will tell you all about it tomorrow!


MJN6 said...

Vanya, it was great to hear from you. How I miss your sense of humor! You really should be a comedian!!! I remember the many stops on the train and the closed bathrooms when we stopped. Thank you for taking care of Sara and her luggage. Love to all. MJN

The Holtons said...

Saw your boys last night at church, we had dinner and a "send-off" devo for the group leaving today. The boys looked good and all seem to be doing well...including the Jackson!:)

Summer said...

That was a great post. I laughed at the mention of Sara's luggage. Thanks for helping her carry it, and yes she LOVES taking pictures!!

Rosemary said...

Yes, All of the Jacksons are surviving and actually having a lot of fun. Yes, we are tired, but we sleep when the boys do so everyone is fine. We haven't done half of our "projects." It has been great seeing your blog pictures, and we appreciate knowing where you are and what you are eating...that is doing. :)

Lindsay and Willis said...

Thanks Sara, Please do!